The Hemp Plant

Hemp is one of the oldest cultivated plants on earth. Mankind has always found use for this plant due to its incredible characteristics.

In recent years, there is a global initiative to rethink and reintroduce the hemp plant in mainstream society, heavily focusing on sustainability and natural production. As a result of this positive mind shift, hemp is back into the focus of society.  


Hemp is holistically usable, from the seeds to the leaves and flowers as well as the very tear-resistant hemp fibers.

This plant can be utilized very well and without high production intensity.


Hemp oil is one of the healthiest oils in the world


Among other things, hemp oil contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are vital for our body.

The numerous beneficial ingredients and essential oils of the hemp plant make this oil one of the best edible oils on the planet.

Hemp products are considered the natural wellness program of the present and the future.

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4053 Ansfelden

(Direkt neben Haid Center, Autobahnknoten Haid, A1 Abfahrt Traun)


Anreise mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel: 

Bahnhof Nettingsdorf 

von dort erreicht man Exit the Field nach 10 min. zu Fuß


AB 24.JUNI 2022 

von 08:00 - 21:00 Uhr 




ab 4 Jahre: € 4,00

bis 3 Jahre: Eintritt frei


Vor Ort ist nur Barzahlung möglich, oder via QR Code direkt über die Handy Bank App! 


Bezahlung ist auch via Überweisung möglich:

Familie Huber, AT19 2032 0323 0290 5894



Wichtige Infos


  • kinderwagentauglich
  • Hunde an der kurzen Leine erlaubt (mit Maulkorb) 
  • Toilette direkt beim Eingang
  • kühle Getränke und Snacks beim Eingang
  • Rast- und Schattenplätze im Labyrinth vorhanden



or PN on Facebook

or DM on Instagram




4053 Ansfelden

(next to shopping center Haid Center, A1 Highway Exit "Traun",
B 139)


Planning your visit via public transport? 

From the train station Nettingsdorf, it's a 10 min walk to Exit The Field

opening hours


FROM 24TH of JUNE, 2022

from 08:00 am to 09:00 pm



Entrance fee

from 4 years: € 4,-

Admission free for children under 3 years


only cash payment on site, or directly via QR Code at the entrance! 


Payment is also possible via bank transfer:

Familie Huber, AT19 2032 0323 0290 5894




Important Infos

  • stroller friendly 
  • Dogs are allowed on the leash and with a muzzle
  • Toilets available at entrance 
  • cool drinks and snacks available on site
  • Shaded resting areas in the maze